Get complete visibility of your funds and entities in one click. Recharge costs to your investments and entities. Consolidate all your funds, multiple entities and SPVs at the touch of a button. Provide the management report packs that gives you all the insights you need.
Discover why Marlborough Funds, Apera Asset Management, Salamanca Group, Intriva and Queen's Park Equity all use AccountsIQ.
This Webinar covers:
In 30 minutes we’ll show you how AccountsIQ can help you manage your fund, multi-entity and SPV accounting and reporting needs:
- Automate consolidation and reporting in 1 click
- Ditch the spreadsheets - have all the data you need in one easy to use system
- Show the board real time reports and dashboards across all your funds and entities
- Intercompany accounting - recharge costs to investments and entities
- Multi-currency transactions and revaluations are managed centrally.
Meet the speakers